This website is dedicated to sharing my personal experiences with hair loss. On the left hand side, I have put together some general information on hair growth, hair care and hair loss that I have collected through my years of personal research. I am always very keen to exchange thoughts and experiences on the issue and would welcome any form of serious feedback.

How I was able to stop my hair loss (without any side effects):

“My name is Paul Norris, I’m 34 years old and suffer from hair loss.”

This is more or less how it would sound if I were at a self-help group for like-minded people. But I don’t have the courage to go to one. So I instead use this relatively anonymous medium to share my experiences with hair loss and at the same time try to give courage to thousands of people with a similar problem, now that I’ve got my hair loss under control.

The vast majority of doctors I have consulted regarding my hair loss over the past decade or so have predominantly categorized the problem as unpreventable hereditary hair loss. This is something I have had to learn to accept, but I have nevertheless always refused to just sit back and watch my hair loss continue, with my forehead getting ever higher. But first, here's a short overview of my sorry story:

At the age of 18, at the start of my studies in Chester, the first signs began to appear: I was losing more hair than was considered normal by experts (more than a hundred hairs per day). Although I didn't ever count to find out, I'm sure I was far exceeding that amount at that time. But the extent of the hair loss became bad enough that everyone started to notice. My receding hairline became more and more obvious over the years and eventually the hair at the front became increasingly thinner, making it more and more difficult to hide the hair loss. I would have done anything to prevent the hair loss and not end up completely bald.

This is where an odyssey began.

First I shopped around and tried out the usual external hair loss treatments. The cosmetics industry has all sorts of products on offer besides normal hair tonic, but unfortunately in my case, nothing worked. The second step was to take high doses of zinc and biotin on a regular basis. Apparently the body’s biotin reserve has to be refilled when you lose hair. This may be promising treatment for some people, but yet again, it did nothing for me. I eventually called on various dermatologists, including some hair specialists.

The general conclusion was hereditary hair loss, whereupon chemical preparations were immediately prescribed to me, sometimes without any kind of in-depth examination. As my psychological strain was quite high at this point, I decided to take a drug called Propecia, even though it was painfully expensive. Despite the well-known negative side effects (such as virility problems) and the fact that you have to take the pills every day for life, I somehow wasn't put off at the time. Looking back, I realize that was naive of me as while taking it, I suffered many of the side effects.

The effects on my virility were particularly devastating for instance and in addition, after only a couple of months my eyes were continually dry and itchy. I stopped taking the drug after around fourteen months as my hair loss continued throughout this period. Based on this unfortunate experience, I have refrained from using this or any other chemical hair loss treatment since, regardless of whether for internal or external use. I just can't help thinking they are too harsh on the body.

Things changed for the better around fifteen months ago when a doctor called my attention to the positive effects of natural amino acids on the metabolic process and therefore also on hair growth. The connection seemed plausible to me, so I looked into it. I was far more relaxed this time around as we were talking about natural substances rather than medical drugs. Unfortunately, amino acids as nutritional supplements for various health aspects are still only widespread in the USA and in Asia. In the UK, people only know of them through fitness centres where they are promoted as sport supplements.

As I no longer fear further hair loss, I feel a lot less stressed out. I am of course aware that I will never have my full head of hair back, but I can live with that as (genetic) research is unfortunately not yet able to present an effective means for the growth of new hair. For this reason, it is important to treat hair loss quickly in order to keep the remaining hair. As a general rule, once hair has fallen out, it does not grow back, (despite the industry's promises!), except perhaps random fluff, which is invisible to the naked eye. I have got used to having a short athletic haircut and my regained self-confidence has allowed me to finally start dating again. Of course when I compare myself to other men, I still wish I had a full head of hair, but nevertheless I'm glad that I can look at myself in the mirror again without worrying if my hair loss has become worse. So I was able to put an end to my psychological strain with amino acids before I fell to pieces!

I hope that my story will encourage all readers suffering from hair loss not to give up trying to find a way to stop it. I am very interested in your experiences and suggestions on hair loss. You can also contact me if you have any questions (but no advertisements please). My address is
Don’t forget the ys in the address!

Take good care of your hair!


You can find previous updates here:

Update 10/2009

Many thanks for your many friendly replies! They give me a great deal of confidence and prove to me that I was right to make my experiences on hair loss public. I have now further developed my site with some general information on hair and hair loss, much of which I have heard and read over the years. You can find this information in the right hand column.

Take good care of your hair!

Update 01/2010

I wish all visitors to the website all the best and good health for 2010!

And because I keep being asked: no, my hair loss problem hasn't returned! New (visible) hair has not grown either, but unfortunately there is no product around that can do that yet. Until a serious means for new growth is found, you'll have to just treat it quickly and keep your hair for as long as possible. In any case, the structure of my remaining hair (thick and glossy) has visibly improved since taking amino acids. I have also been feeling generally more fit and active since, which is a welcome side effect!

Take good care of your hair!

Update 02/2010

I have consulted many doctors, mainly at the start of my hair loss period. I first consulted dermatologists, but I always got the same answers and always ended up being given prescriptions for chemical treatments which had doubtful results. The idea of taking natural amino acids is not yet very widespread in the UK. This probably explains why I never got any support from doctors, who for the most part are simply not sufficiently informed on this issue. Often the only information they have comes from the manufacturers who send out free samples and product pamphlets. I am therefore suspicious of how Propecia and co. are prescribed. To be fair, my GP was the one who pointed me in the direction of natural amino acids, owing to their positive effect on the many metabolic processes in the human body. I then researched the topic myself and consulted various websites and articles.

Good luck and take good care of your hair!

Update 05/2010

Oh and just for the record: natural amino acids do not have an immediate effect. This means it takes a few weeks to months to bring metabolic processes back into balance and stimulate circulation and the supply of hair with the nutrition. So it’s a type of health programme. But that’s why the effect is longer lasting once someone’s optimal level of amino acids has been reached. When the amino acid budget is balanced, you no longer need to take natural amino acids, except for people like me who have come to appreciate the overall stimulant effects (incl. better sleep). For me, it took around 2-3 months to see a decline in my hair loss and thankfully, I haven't experienced any undesirable side effects.

Good luck and take good care of your hair!

Update 09/2010

Unfortunately there is nothing new on the scientific front. A lot of lab mice have had to give their lives to research into hair growth products, but as yet, no really encouraging results have been found. The only option therefore is to face the problem and try to fight hair loss. Fortunately, coverage of the issue of natural amino acids and their effect on the male metabolic process is increasing in this country.

Good luck and take good care of your hair!

Update 02/2011

The number of e-mails I've been receiving about hair loss is ever on the increase and I am delighted to be able to help if I can. The demand for up to date information on hair loss seems to be great, so I'm thinking of posting more frequently, perhaps in the form of a blog. Even though I don’t want to make dealing with hair loss a life-long task for me anymore, (as it has been for so long) I am really glad to find that the content of this site interests so many people.

Take good care of your hair!

Update 05/2011

At the moment there are a great many reports about stars who suffer from hair loss. The most recent of these is Prince William (29), whose bald patches were seen live by over 2 billion people and who is apparently made a mockery of by members of his immediate family! Actors Hugh Laurie (51) and Jude Law (38) have also been in the press due to their receding hair lines and it is also rumoured that Justin Timberlake (30) only has such a short haircut to cover up his advanced stage hair loss. Katie Price (32) wears hair extensions to hide hers. This shows that all kinds of people, can suffer from hair loss, including young people. Such stories can also somehow offer comfort to hair loss sufferers, who are certainly not alone. Even celebrities are not immune to it. Hair loss is best prevented if it is done quickly instead of wasting time on pointless products.

Take good care of your hair,

Update 06/2011

I am often asked in letters if I use a special shampoo. All I can say is that I use a simple mild shampoo. It seems important to me for it to have a pH value of 5.5, which corresponds to the acidity level of the human skin. In my experience shampoo ingredients such as coconut, aloe vera or caffeine don't have any effect because they just remain external and can't be efficiently absorbed in the roots.

So I think that the hype of having caffeine in shampoos is mainly just marketing, although admittedly good enough marketing to make people at least try it out. But I don't think a caffeine shampoo can do any harm. It's just a matter of personal preference really.

Take good care of your hair!

Update 11/2011

You’ve come to the right place for everything you need to know about hair loss.

The tennis player and former world number one seed André Agassi suffered from serious hair loss starting from the age of 20. According to him, he even resorted to wigs as he was losing hair. He wrote all about it in his autobiography: "Every morning I left a piece of my identity on the pillow, in the wash basin and down the drain. I asked myself: "Do you really want to wear a wig? On the tennis court?" I answered my own question: "What else can I do?"
Anyone affected can certainly understand and empathize.

I can only keep emphasising how important it is to act quickly to stop hair loss from ruining your self-confidence. The prospect of wearing a wig should surely have to be the last resort.

Take good care of your hair!

Update 01/2012

Did you know that in winter, your hair grows more slowly than in summer? When it's hot outside, the body is supplied with more blood, making cells more active. This also boosts finger nail and hair growth. The hair growth rate goes from 0.1 mm per day in summer to only 0.07 mm per day in winter and each hair grows around 12 centimetres per year if not cut.

These calculations only apply to existing hair. Why not start the fight against your hair loss in 2010? Like I said, there is light at the end of the tunnel thanks to natural amino acids!

Take good care of your hair!

Update 10/2012

Did you know that head massages are not only great for your wellbeing, but that they also help to prevent hair loss? This is because the pressure from the massage strengthens the circulation of the scalp and therefore promotes the absorption of essential nutrients needed for healthy hair.

When hair nutrients such as amino acids, biotin and zinc can no longer reach hair roots, they eventually die and hair falls out. Amino acids help to regulate the body's metabolic processes and therefore help to provide nourishment for the roots. Therefore you should ideally massage you head daily, or even better-get somebody to do it for you!

Take good care of your hair!

Update 03/2013

An acquaintance recently revealed how he goes about treating his hair loss: he makes a paste out of olive oil and raw garlic, applies it to his scalp and leaves it on overnight. This then dries and whatever is left of the crusty paste is washed out the next day. This all sounds pretty wacky and a bit disgusting to be honest! He apparently repeats this procedure 2-3 times a week and even swears that it has enabled some of his hair to grow back...can’t say that I’ve witnessed that on him myself yet though! (Sorry!) :-) . His story indicated 2 things to me: 1. there are even more hair loss myths and theories than I initially realised and 2. my site has obviously failed to strike a chord with this guy :-) , otherwise he would surely have looked to nutrients for his hair roots and aminoacids. Nevertheless, for those who are considering trying it, I think that oil and garlic paste on the scalp is quite harmless and it may even stimulate or boost the circulation. I think you can rule out hair growth though! Take care of your hair!

All the best,

Update 08/2014

Dear all,
It’s been a while since I’ve written, but probably because no news is good news!

Nothing new to report on my personal hair loss case as I’m still really satisfied with the results I’ve got from the amino acid capsules. I would love to have a fair few discussions with the various doctors who categorised my hair loss as ‘unpreventable’ in the past. I can certainly challenge this statement now!

Take good care of your hair,

last update: 02/2017